December 24, 2011

World Premier of "Eat His Head"

One last post before the new year... So, this sounds pretty bad "Eat His Head" but it is not as bad as it seems. See... we write songs in our class. Our songs, like good folk songs, tell a story, our story. On the day we wrote this song we were all into gingerbread men. The K's had then and we got to talking about how you eat a gingerbread man. Most everyone thought you should start with the head. So our song is a story about eating a gingerbread man.. Makes sense now don't you think. Plus we did think that a song with a title like "Eat His Head" might just get some hits on the internet. So here we go.. As usual the director is our faithful aid Devin. I am the producer I guess. My co-teacher, Yun-Yun, is the "special assistant" to most everyone in the production  (being very special helps in this job) and the stars of the video are all the 1st - 3rd graders in our BAM Friday afternoon Folk Music Class.

December 22, 2011

Learning to sing an Old Protest Song

Here in Berkeley part of our education process is teaching our young people to stick up for what is right in all that they do. What better way to teach this value than with a good old Pete Seeger Protest Song. We recorded this song on our "Pete Seeger Day" at our Folk Music Class. The class came up with their own words for verses for the song. Pardon the lighting of our video and we are thinking of getting a tripod for Devin, our director (who has perfected some interesting camera angles) Enjoy!


Definition of HOOTENANNY
Hootenanny was also an old country word for "party". Now, most commonly, it refers to a folk-music party.
If you ever want to get away from it all, to a place of fun and song and arts and kids just having a good time, join our BAM Folk Music Class some Friday afternoon at the Berkeley Arts Magnet Elementary School for a Hootenanny. 
If you can't get away on a Friday just sing along with our classes recording of "If I had a Hammer"

The K's write a Song

Part of our class is writing our own songs. These songs grow out of our experiences and listening to tunes. A couple of weeks ago the K's made gingerbread men at school. So... when we started working on our songs it had to be about gingerbread men. Here is the premier of "Roll, Roll, Roll Your Dough" but the K Folk Music Class... enjoy...

K's singing Rudolph with an intro by Antonio

This Fall Yun-Yun and I have been working with a wonderful bunch of kindergarten kids at BAM. One of my favorite comments from our 1st - 3rd grade class when they saw the K's in October was "they are so little". Well they were but they are growing so fast. That is one of the great things about working with K's, they grow so very fast... in so many ways. Here is a recording of a Christmas Song they did last week. Enjoy

December 9, 2011

Our 1st through 3rd grade class is very talented. We made drums in a class a couple of weeks ago and we thought you would like to learn how to make one for yourself....